
Resources for Download

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Keith Fordham Revival Planbook

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Other Resources

Twelve Reasons it is Time for Revival

Article “Evangelize” by Dr. Thom Johnston

“Clean Sweep” Power Point Presentation:

  • Download as a .ppt – 

Free Books for Download

 “Born in the Heart of God” by Dr. Keith Fordham

“God’s Warrior Gift: The Evangelist” 
By Dr. Keith Fordham
Evangelists are a tool (Warrior Gift) in the preacher’s toolbox given to the church as a resurrection gift! Use them!

“Learn Ventriloquism from Homer in Four Weeks”
By Dr. Keith Fordham
In the covers of this book, you will find the secret of ventriloquism. Spending 15 to 20 min. a day you will master throwing your voice.

“Operation Clean Sweep Evangelism Strategy” 
By Dr. Keith Fordham
The clean sweep evangelism strategy is designed to reach people who are Sunday School members, Sunday night, and Wednesday night attendees, but have not joined the church. This is one of the most effective visitation strategies for reaching the lost and adding church members that one can find anywhere. Perhaps it is, because it is Biblical in nature!

“Revival-Evangelism Music & Use of the Music Evangelist” 
By Dr. Keith Fordham
Every person who has anything to do with church music will be blessed by this book. The importance and power of music are explained practically and inspirationally. Keith shares some “Holy Ghost Common Sense” about Revival-Evangelism music is shared from a lifetime of his experience in working with choirs, accompanists, orchestras, and Music Evangelists in both large and small church settings.

“Serving in One Accord: Serving Together in the Church” 
By Dr. Keith Fordham
Revival in the Old Testament generally came during one of the festivals when the nation was together in one place. The Holy Spirit came in mighty power on Pentecost when the people were gathered in one place and in one accord. Your Church can do the same thing in a special “One Accord Service.”

Recommended Websites

  Evangelism Unlimited

Booklets Available for a Donation to KFEA

Each booklet is available for a $7 donation to KFEA. This helps to offset the printing and shipping costs. To order, click the “PayPal” button beside the booklet you wish to order.

“70 Weeks of Daniel Unfolded”
By Dr. Keith Fordham
Once you know and understand the prophecy of the 70 weeks of Daniel there will be no doubt that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah King. You will discover the time between the Old and New Testaments were prophesied in incredible detail. The book of Daniel is the  keystone to understanding the end times. The 70 weeks reveal History in advance!

“Neither Calvinist Nor Arminian” 
By Dr. Keith Fordham
Evangelists are a tool (Warrior Gift) in the preacher’s toolbox given to the church as a resurrection gift! Use them!

Available for a $15 donation…

“Worth And Work Of The Evangelist”

“…I decided to read part of this book but couldn’t stop. Fordham and Johnston have combined to pen a book concerning biblical evangelism among the best I have read in my 44 years in Southern Baptist ministry. Get the book ‘The Worth and Work of the Evangelist,’ read it, and apply what it teaches, for it aligns with the Bible and has been proven in history. If we as Southern Baptists hope to reverse our decline, and to reach this generation, we must practice what this book posits…Lay people must read this book!”

-Dr. J. Mike Minnix, founder, SermonCity; North Carolina.

Keith Fordham Evangelistic Association